„Italy is like the background to a
da Vinci painting“
– Sting-
You probably don’t need to be told that Italy is beautiful in any way in which a country can be beautiful. And you probably have first-hand experience of at least one of Italy’s many charms, be it its breath-taking natural scenery, its age-defining art, history, architecture, its delicious food.
What you might not know is that remote working in Italy is one of the best treats you can give yourself. We specialize in uncovering “hidden gems” all over Italy, corners worth seeing and reserves of beauty that the industry has not yet tapped into. We are telling stories about extraordinary experiences for your partners, clients or employees, at some of the most amazing locations in the world.

For Co-Working and Remote-Working spaces, hotels and facilities in Italy
Are you looking for storytelling to advertise your remote work space to Italienlovers? We’ll help you to tell the unique story of your place so people will choose you as their Go-To Place to stay and work away from their home.

Für Italienlover
Liebst Du Italien genauso wie wir und trinkst auch gern Capuccino nach 11 Uhr? Dolce Vita ist für Dich Slow Food und Negroni? Du suchst authentische Experiences für Retreats, Workshops und Offsites, am Liebsten in einer dieser Instagram Dörfern, wo zu Ricci e Poveri „Perche Ti amo“ gesungen wird?